Đề ôn thi CLC vào Lớp 6 - Mock test practice 2

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Đề ôn thi CLC vào Lớp 6 - Mock test practice 2
FULL NAME: __________________________________________________________________ 
CLASS: _____________________ DATE: ___________________________________________ 
Question 1: Which region in Vietnam is the most famous for coffee plants and beautiful waterfalls? 
 A. Southeast plain B. Northwest mountains
 C. Mekong delta D. Central highlands
Question 2: In which province are the places mentioned in the verse located? 
 Yến Sào Hòn Nội 
 Vịt lội Ninh Hòa 
 Tôm hùm Bình Ba 
 Nai khô Diên Khánh 
 Cá tràu Võ Cạnh 
 Sò huyết Thủy Triều 
 A. Khánh Hòa B. Tiền Giang C. Đà Lạt D. Đà Nẵng
Question 3: Rome is one of the oldest cities in the world. In this city, there are still many masterpieces 
of Roman architecture, such as the Colosseum, the Parthenon, or the Roman Forum. Where is Rome? 
 A. Italy B. Finland C. Greece D. France
Question 4: A fever is a temporary increase in your body temperature, often due to an illness. Having 
a fever is a sign that something out of the ordinary is going on in your body. What should we do when 
we get a fever? 
 A. Take a rest and measure the body temperature
 B. Take a bath with cold water immediately and go to sleep
 C. Play a hard sport then take a cool bath right after that
 D. Eat a lot then go to sleep immediately
Question 5: These are the main stages in the water cycle. 
1. The Sun provides heat energy that drives the water cycle.
2. More droplets gather to form clouds. These clouds become too heavy and fall back down to Earth
as rain, snow or even hailstones.
3. The water vapor rises high up into the atmosphere where it is cooler.
4. The water in various water bodies such as lakes, oceans, and ponds gains heat energy and
5. The water vapor cools and turns into droplets.
Choose the correct order.
 A. 1 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 2 B. 1 – 4 – 5 – 3 – 2 C. 1 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 2 D. 1 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 3 GP5_MOCK TEST PRACTICE Page 3 of 10 TEST PAPER 
Question 9: Mai studies the Venn diagram to show the properties of some metals and alloys, 
including steel, cast iron, copper, and aluminum. 
What are X, Y, Z, and T? 
 A. X: steel; Y: aluminum; Z: copper; T: cast iron
 B. X: steel; Y: cast iron; Z: aluminum; T: copper
 C. X: cast iron; Y: steel; Z: copper; T: aluminum
 D. X: aluminum; Y: steel; Z: cast iron; T: copper
Question 10: Match the name of our country with the corresponding reign of king. 
 1. Hùng Kings A. Đại Cồ Việt
 2. An Dương Vương B. Âu Lạc
 3. Đinh Tiên Hoàng C. Văn Lang
 4. Lê Thái Tổ D. Đại Việt
Choose the correct answer. 
 A. 1 – B, 2 – C, 3 – A, 4 – D B. 1 – C, 2 – A, 3 – B, 4 – D
 C. 1 – B, 2 – C, 3 – D, 4 – A D. 1 – C, 2 – B, 3 – A, 4 – D
Question 11: He was proclaimed as a national hero in the Battle of Điện Biên Phủ in 1954. As an 
artillery piece began to slip down the slope, he placed his own body under the wheel to serve as a 
wedge. Who is he? 
 A. Phan Đình Giót B. Trần Can C. Tô Vĩnh Diện D. Bế Văn Đàn
Question 12: Who is the Vietnamese hero mentioned as Người in the verse below? 
 Mình về với Bác đường xuôi 
 Thưa giùm Việt Bắc không nguôi nhớ Người 
 Nhớ Ông Cụ mắt sáng ngời 
 Áo nâu túi vải, đẹp tươi lạ thường!... 
 (Việt Bắc, Tố Hữu) 
 A. Phạm Văn Đồng B. Võ Nguyên Giáp C. Tôn Đức Thắng D. Hồ Chí Minh
Question 13: Manh has 432 game coins. He uses 25% of the coins for basketball games. Then he 
uses another 87 coins to play the Merry-go-round. How many coins does he have left? 
 A. 108 coins B. 195 coins C. 237 coins D. 259 coins GP5_MOCK TEST PRACTICE Page 5 of 10 TEST PAPER 
Listen and do the tasks. 
Eric and Mary are talking about their weekend. Their friend, Carlos, is coming to visit them. 
Task 1. Listen and decide if the statements are true or false. Write True or False in the blank. 
 1. Carlos hates shopping. _________
 2. The football match is on Sunday afternoon. _______
Task 2. Write ONE WORD in each blank to complete the sentences. 
 3. They are going to eat in a/an ___________ restaurant on Saturday evening.
 4. They are going to go for a _____________ on Sunday morning.
Read the passage below and do the tasks. 
On 20th August and 5th September in 1977, two spacecrafts took off from Florida, USA. Voyager 1 
and Voyager 2 started a long and difficult journey to the end of the solar system. They flew past new 
places in our solar system and sent photos of planets and moons to NASA (National Aeronautics and 
Space Administration). 
Voyager 1’s journey 
Voyager 1 arrived at Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system. At a distance of 349, 000 
kilometers from Earth, scientists received the best photographs of the planet from Voyager 1 and they 
discovered a lot about the planet’s weather from them. They studied the clouds, lightning and strong 
winds of three hundred kilometers per hour. Jupiter also has a moon with volcanoes. Voyager 1’s 
next stop was Saturn. Saturn is smaller than Jupiter and it’s most famous for its rings. From Voyager 
1’s photographs, scientists discovered the rings are mostly water and ice. 
Voyager 2’s journey 
Voyager 2 also visited Jupiter and Saturn after Voyager 1, but then it continued to Uranus. Uranus is 
the coldest place in the solar system. There is a lot of ice on the surface. During its journey around 
Uranus, there were mechanical problems with Voyager 2’s camera. Eventually, scientists fixed it and 
Voyager 2 travelled to Neptune. 
Question 1. In which year did NASA send the two Voyager spacecrafts into the solar system? 
(Write your answer in the blank) ........................................................................................................ 
Question 2. Choose the correct answer. 
How many planets did Voyager 1 visit? 
 A. one B. two C. three D. four
(Write A, B, C or D in the blank) ........................................................................................................ 
Question 3. Decide if this statement is true or false. 
Voyager 1 and 2 visited the same number of planets. 
(Write True or False in the blank) ....................................................................................................... 
Question 4. Complete the sentences with the correct names of the planets. 
a. This planet is very well-known for its rings. ................................................................................... 
b. The surface of this planet has a lot of ice. ...................................................................................... GP5_MOCK TEST PRACTICE Page 7 of 10 TEST PAPER 
Câu 2: Trong buổi lễ tổng kết năm học, các bạn học sinh lớp 5B cùng nhau treo những tấm ảnh kỉ 
niệm của lớp lên một sợi dây chắc chắn bằng những chiếc kẹp. Mỗi bức tranh phải dùng 3 cái kẹp, 
hai bức tranh cạnh nhau thì dùng chung một cái kẹp (xem Hình minh họa). Nếu có tổng cộng 20 bức 
tranh, hỏi cần tối thiểu bao nhiêu cái kẹp? Chỉ viết đáp án. 
 (Hình minh họa) 
Trả lời: ........................................................................................................................................ 
Câu 3: Các số tự nhiên liên tiếp được viết theo quy luật như bảng bên dưới cho đến số 2023 thì dừng 
lại. Tính tổng các số ở cột có số 2023 (bao gồm cả số 2023)? Chỉ viết đáp án. 
 A B C D 
 1 2 3 4 
 5 6 7 8 
 9 10 11 12 
 ... ... ... ... 
Trả lời: ........................................................................................................................................ 
Câu 4: Một thửa ruộng hình chữ nhật có chiều dài lớn hơn chiều rộng 5m. Người ta mở rộng thửa 
ruộng bằng cách tăng thêm chiều rộng và giữ nguyên chiều dài để được một thửa ruộng hình vuông. 
Khi đó diện tích thửa ruộng mới lớn hơn diện tích thửa ruộng ban đầu 100 m2. Tính diện tích của thửa 
ruộng ban đầu. Trình bày lời giải, phép tính và đáp số. 
Trả lời: 

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